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Thursday, October 23, 2008

@ 11:18 PM

Saturday, September 6, 2008

hello! :D
since i'm a bloooooooody kind soul.
i shall post something to revive this blog.
i've given rights to some people to post in this blog through their own account, if you want the rights too, pleaseplease tell me/ or anyone that are able to come in this acc (:

hahaa, and today, i shall let you see hailong's unappropriate behavior in music lesson,


hahahahaha okayokay, bye :D

@ 10:53 AM

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Okay, for those who wants to know about what we discussed today :D

We discussed the front-stage and back-stage people, based on who we think can act. i.e. more daring etc. Yups, and we also thought of the brief idea for the skit and although we're using Leon Jin's cluster's skit, we are not copying scene for scene. We will be doing many changes, and people in that cluster would most probably not be acting a character they acted. But the main idea will be still there. Ohmy what am I talking .__________.

Well, the skit starts with a child who thinks that his life sucks, because he failed his papers during MYE and got a harsh scolding from his mother. While this is going on, their dead husband / father witnessed the whole thing from where he was (he's in the sky I guess) and was heartbroken upon seeing his two most loved people quarreling. The father then decided to come down to earth and try help salvage the situation.

The boy was very sad and cried himself to sleep that night. In his dream, his father appeared. BUT, a man with a long white beard appreared and claimed that he's his father. The boy screams, "DON'T THINK JUST BECAUSE YOU HAVE A BEARD MEANS YOU'RE MY FATHER! YOU ARE NOT MY FATHER!" That was the xiao4 dian3 lah, out of the tense scene :D. Yup and then the real father appears, as a fairy. He then brings the boy down to the other levels of the block, and showed him how much more miserable people can be, compared to her.

For the other levels, we have came out with like 6 different scenes. And we also matched the people we think can act for that scene. Merely in our own opinion, and we did not like purposely put couples together. Couples put-ted together are just a coincidence.

Eugenia as the mother, Glen as the dead father, Jun Ming as the fake dead father, Seng Aik as the son.

The six scenes that we've thought of:
1. Child abuse: Parents as drunkard, smoker etc etc Valerie and Shih Siong as parents and Wei Huat as the abused child.

2. Spousal abuse: Rich wife with a husband working in her family company, living on her. Wife gets angry as husband is useless, and kept hitting him. Lee Hao as husband, Tan Ying as rich wife.

3. Sexual abuse: edbert's idea, but not written down. Nothing Nc16 nor R21 scenes. Edbert as the husband, Stephaine as the poor abused wife.

4. Single-parent family: leonjin's idea, no details yet. Hui Wen as the mother, Wen Min as the child. -.-

5. Lonely life: A debted male, whose wife and two children died in a car accident, leads a lonely life. Will be acting out as having depression, missing his family. Wife and children will be involved in the act too, somehow. Jeremy as the loner, Alicia as the dead wife, Deon and Jonanthan as the children.

6. "Looney" life: Leon Jin as the crazy guy with severe depression because he is very broke. He often thinks about his son who is dead. Takes a doll thinking that that's the son, and tries to feed him.

We need about two or three more scenes. And please try to do scripts. We can't be the ones doing everything yeah. Get into small groups (3 to 4) and do scripts for certain scenes. And please tag, which scene you're going to do on so that other groups will not do the same scene. Put on your thinking caps people ((:

People who should still be involved front-stage:
Jan Xiong
to be added soon..


@ 6:50 PM

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Hello people. Wenmin here. Yes, I'm here to post, about the Show & Share thing. Okay, some of us have decided about changing the thing we're going to present. We suggest doing Leon Jin's cluster's skit. The one on Love & Appreciation.

Firstly, why the change. Think, why the school told Sec2s of 2008 not to do dances to "entertain" the audiences like what Sec2s of 2007 did. Last year's Sec2s succeeded in making the assembly period fun and yah, end our long and tiring day with a good laugh. But, the change was because, the "upstairs" wants the Sec2s to present something of a higher educational value. Yet not wanting us to cause many sleepy heads to dose off half way while we present something really really boring. While we're having a good laugh, we should be also trying to educate the rest of the Sec2s and Sec1s some good human morales. In our case, loving and appreciating our loved ones. That's like presenting an interesting, maybe added with some funny parts and in the meantime, teaching them good things! It's very good lor!

Secondly, how do YOU ALL think. It's a class thing, so I think that we cannot decide and finalise things by ourselves. So, I need ALL of you to vote (on the tagboard), and tell your friends who seldom visit the class blog about this matter and ask for their opinion. Those who did not vote CANNOT complain, because it is YOUR responsibility to find out about class events. Don't blame anyone if your vote is not counted WHEN YOU DID NOT EVEN BOTHER TO VOICE OUT WHAT YOU THINK, i.e. your vote. However, if most of you guys insists and doing the dance, fine. We will continue doing to dance. But please take note. It is very difficult choreographing the dance moves. We should really thank Jocelyn and Edbert for spending time choreographing the dance moves, and apologise if doing the skit is chosen in the end.

Thirdly, WE WILL BE MEETING TOMORROW (11th June 2008) AT 2.45PM PASIR RIS MRT STATION PLATFORM. We will then go to Edbert's place to do plannings and stuff. Please go. And inform either me, via sms / phonecall beforehand so that we will wait for you yeahs (: Oh, and so that I can note down whose going. Am the secretary nehhs!

Lastly, what we're planning to do if skit "wins". We will add more scences, add more people, add more props. Yups, that will be all.


people currently with the idea: Edbert, Jocelyn, Leonjin, Huiwen, Wenmin, Valerie

@ 9:48 PM

Saturday, May 31, 2008

okay, if you all dont know what our class is doing for tehh presentation,
we're doing a skit, then a dance.
okay its about wushu and dance society quarrelling over the place whr they practice.
then we need to divide the class into 2,
backstage and onstage.
cause when they act,
they dont have to hold the mike,
people off stage help them say the things.
cause ahs's mikes is quite limited know?!

i came out with a list
i= tanying.
if you buaysong, you can come consult me or something.

how i do my list.
i take out jocelyn and edbert from the list, which will form the list as
those names that are bold are people onstage


okay, and now, i use all the odd number thats going to be on stage.

so people thats going to be onstage from the above list, without Edbert and Jocelyn will be
--> Alicia, Sherrie, Eugenia, Yuzheng, Valerie, Wennie, Rachel, Pearlyn
--> Deon, Glen, Weihuat, Max, Kengfu, Janxiong, Junwei, Xinyou,
Jeremy[ i addd in jeremy as i felt that he can act :X]

however add in Edbert and Jocelyn will be 19 people.

we need more people as some of them can be the judges during that day.
you knw SYF stuff.
so yup.

and people on stage will be divided into, dance and wushu + other characters.

done by : tanying :X
and i asked permission from monitor and monitress to do this.
aligatok (:

@ 11:42 AM

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Please note, this set of groupings are done according to cliques. And it was done BEFORE the improvised one by Leon Jin. & he claims to be the monitor, so he doesn't care if we PREFER the before improvised one. He insists on his improvised one. Huiwen the CHAIRPERSON does not agree to the improvised one btw. He claims to improvise the groupings cause he thinks Group 3(before improvisation) has alot of enthu people while the rest do not. I realised that the improvised one has Leon Jin's own clique in it if you've realised, while the rest of the improvised groups have their cliques split up. Therefore, I feel that it is not fair.

So, here's the before improvisation one. Please note, the groups are grouped according to cliques. And some cliques are small so I joined your cliques with other smaller cliques.

Alicia, Jun Ting, Wendy, Wennie, Rachel --- Girls

Shih Siong, Hai Long, Ming Rui, Seng Aik, Jeremy --- Guys


Semele, Sherrie, Jocelyn, Yu Zheng, Stephaine, Pearlyn --- Girls

Jonathan, Keng Fu, Leon Jin, Edbert, Jan Xiong, Jun Ming --- Guys


Eugenia, Huiwen, Wenmin, Valerie, Tan Ying --- Girls

Deon, Glen, Wei Huat, Max, Jun Wei, Lee Hao --- Guys

If you find this offending, I sincerely apologise. But I feel that the class should be informed of the earlier groupings so as to see which type of groupings they prefer.
We can even hold a voting session to see if you'all prefer the before improvisation one or the improvised one.


@ 6:51 PM

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

OMG i saw Leon Jin at the zoo!
LOL XD jk...

@ 6:18 PM




we're the pupils of 2J, by register!

1. Alicia ;D
2. Semele ;D
3. Sherrie ;D
4. Jun Ting ;D
5. Jocelyn ;D
6. Eugenia ;D
7. Hui Wen ;D
8. Yu Zheng ;D
9. Wen Min ;D
10. Valerie ;D
11. Wendy ;D
12. Wennie ;D
13. Stephaine ;D
14. Rachel ;D
15. TanYing ;D
16. Pearlyn ;D

17. Shih Siong (:
18. Deon (:
19. HaiLong (:
20. Glen (:
21. Jonathan (:
22. Wei Huat (:
23. MingRui (:
24. Max (:
25. Seng Aik (:
26. Keng Fu (:
27. Leon Jin (:
28. Edbert (:
29. Jan Xiong (:
30. Jun Ming (:
31. Jun Wei (:
32. Lee Hao (:
33. Kenneth (:
34. Jeremy (:

and our birthdays!

Keng Fu/ 17 january!
Jan Xiong/ 23 Jan
Rachel/ 29 january!
Edbert Pang/ 21 Feb (upcoming next :D)
Leon Jin/ 24 febuary (closely behind :D)
Glen/ 25 febuary (woah, so near uh? :D)
there aint any march babies D: SAD.
Ming Rui/ 14 April
Jun Wei/ 17 april
YuZheng/ 01 may!
Hui Wen/ 06 june!
Sherrie/ 10 june!
Pearlyn/ 14 june!
Jocelyn/ 20 june!
Wen Min/ 24 june !
Alicia/ 29 june!
Wendy/ 29 june!
TanYing/ 25 JULY!
no august babies either D:
JunTing/ 08 september! :D
Valerie/ 15 september!
Deon/ 19 october!
Seng Aik/ 26 october!
Wennie/ 03 november!
Stephanie/ 09 november!
Semele / 24 november!
Max / 30 november!
Eugenia / 04 december!
Shih Siong/ 18 december!
Jonathan/ 30 december !

Please uhs;

let us get the whole standard 1st ! :D
in everything, anything! :D

Talk leh;

leave your footstep behind yozx. ;D


Please do not remove this part.


Edited by Pearlyn.
x o