Friday, March 28, 2008
♥ our groups response Tan Ying, Eugenia, Sherrie, Jocelyn and Edbert
Tan Ying(15)
Sherrie (3)
War between Sotland and England.
- soldiers would gain experience and would be prepared if a war came again
- boost to soldiers confidence
- learn the importance of protecting one's own coutry and freedom
- more power to be gained after victory
- understanding the meaning of sacrifices and 'no pain no gain'
- teaching the soldiers importance of responsibilty
- more land gained after victory
- country more wealthy
- shows the true courage of a real man on a battlefield
- bloodshed, families losing their kins
- dropping of soldiers morale and pride
- lost of land and power if they had lost
- Exhaustion and phobia or haunted by pass due to too much killing or witnessing people die before them
- Emotional scar
- losing of home buildings, wasting of resourses
- feeling of letting country down
Singapore ww2
- Singaporeans know the importance of being independant, relying too much on others causes harm
- indian and malays given a change to govern their own country
- learning of a new culture the way different people do different things
- would know how to react if such situation happens again
- know who the true Singapore heros really are eg: Lim Bo Seng
- soldiers could display their true potential
- know the enemies true potential
- soldiers bond as brothers
- people gained more knowledge of the japanese culture
- hardship and poverty
- people lived in fear and had bad living conditions and environment
- POWs were tortured
- japanese attempted to take full control of us teaching us their culture robbed of our own culture
- shortage of food and supplies
- many lost their kins eg: womans were taken away
- people were forced to worked and many lost their lives
- people of Singapore were treated with no respect
- No freedom
- bad economy as people were unwilling to trade with Japanese
- bloodshed, cruel and violent
To conclude, war is mainly a lesson for people to actually live in peace and not fight with one another as only one would emerge victorious. Killing and torture, fighting and death all are not plesant things that human beings would not want to see. And and some even went crazy after witnessing the death of friends. But at the same time, it also brings out the best of a man. The stronger side of us and our purpose of being a real man. That we can be depended on to defend our own freedom and country. (WOMENS TOO)
Thank you for your time and effort spent reading. We have saved the best for the last, thus i hope we would have additional points or marks given.. :) Ms Fadhzila ROCKS.
Song Wennie(12)
Johnathan Lee(21)
Guo Jun Ting(04)
Tan Jan Xiong(29)
The war between Scotland and England.
Many brave men had to go to war to battle the opposing party. There would be many lifes lost from both parties, just as all wars will have. There will be much blood shed, as well as a lot of destruction in the country. Many will mourn the deaths of their loved ones, and there will be a lot of desruption in the economy of the country. There will also be fear in the people as they will never know when will be their last breath. The economy will tumble and this will basically mean more hardship and poverty brought to the people.
Assuming the war ends shortly after, the kingdom that wins the war will get more land. They can expand their economy and fortune ruling another land. This could mean more money for the people. They will also have more men if they decide to fight in another war and the country that wins will have more power and freedom.
(Basically, the kingdom that wins will gain more from war and the kingdom that loses will....not gain as much from the war)
Singapore’s involvement in World War 2.
When the Japanese ruled Singapore, there was severe hardship and poverty, as what is commonly heard. The people are punished for no reason, especially the Chinese and Europeans. They were treated most harshly. The people of Singapore also needed to deal with the shortage of food and the small amounts of rations given, if there was a peace living certificate. People also lived in fear. They did not want to offend the Japanese and get punished. No one dared to step out of their homes. If they did, they would smear their face with charcoal. Many civilians had died and lost their homes in bomb raids and through kempeitai.The people felt inferior when they were forced to adopt Japanese culture. They felt robbed of their own culture.
When the Japanese invaded Singapore, many men showed true courage when they went to battles knowing they would never return. Such men include Lim Bo Seng and Lieutenant Adnan. The war bonded the people as well. It was a time where everyone would try to help one another in order to combat the Japanese. The Japanese gave more ruling powers to the malays. Without the war, Singapore could still be under the rule of the British. The people felt a need for independence only after the British surrendered to the Japanese, despite ruling the island for over a hundred years. With the new skills of ruling, the people had a change in their political attitudes, resulting in our independence in 1965. When the people learnt Japanese culture, they were gaining more knowledge and learning a new language.
(Basically, there were many sacrifices made, but these sacrifices led to a better future of the nation.)
(Don't be afraid to give us bonus points, we won't mind!)=)
Jeremy Tay
Shih Xiong
Wei Huat
The rise and fall of hitler.
At that time many people supported Hitler as he promised them what they wnated; the solution to the Great depression and so forth.This is how hitler rose in power. He blamed all the mishappenings on the jews and wanted to exterminate them.
Although hitler killed a lot of Jews, Russians, handicapped Germans and other races to make the Germans the master race, there were some Germans who were aganist the idea. Even some of those who took part in the war aganist Russia also disagree and felt guilty.From a German soldier who fought in Russia :
"Do you know how we behaved to the civilians? We behaved like devils out of Hell. We left those poor villagers to starve to death, thousands and thousands of them. How can you win a war in this way?
We shoot villagers on the slightest excuse. Just stick them up against a wall. We order the whole village out to watch. It’s a vicious circle. We hate them and they hate us, and on and on it goes, everyone getting more inhuman.
The civilians were all ready to look on us as saviours. They had had years of oppression from the communists. What did we do? Turn into slaves under Hitler.
This showed that the Germans did have a conscious.
Why didn't the jews resisted the attempts to kill them you might ask. Is mainly because the jews didn't believe hitler really meant to exterminate the whole of their race. But this question should not be applied to the jews but instead, the question of where did they find the energy to resist should be applied to the jews. They were starved and tortured yet there were still uproars in the camp where they were being tortured.
There were some Germans who had "hidden" jews from hitler and brought them up. This explains why there are still jews living to this date. In the end hitler killed himself as he did not want to face the consequences of his own actions;germany has lost the war.
Lee Huiwen(7)
Su Yan Hui(13)
Glen Lim Gong Yu(20)
Ong Leon Jin(27)
Tan Lee Hao(32)
The battle between Scotland and England
People fear wars&battles,are wars just a battle of bravery and intellect,or do people actually stand to gain from it?
We shall first talk about the consequences of the battle.
-Cruel and dangerous,violent
-waste of resources,and thus,resulting in bad economy
-waste of energy spent on destruction
-lost of lives
-Caused tears&bloodshed.Many injuries.People who have relations with those who lost their lives in the battle were sad and at a lost
Others do not look into the good points of what they call,a merciless battle.
-society learns independence,on how to count on themselves in times like this
-self-confidence will take on to a greater height for soldiers who get out from the war,alive
-country learns to be more protective of their people
-with victory,comes along freedom
-country gains power if victorious
-they learnt to fight to gain freedom for their country
-they understood sacrifice,for their fellow countrymen
Singapore's involvement in WWII
Alike any other wars,Singapore's involvement in WWII has gained negatively and positively as well.
Singapore's lost due to the war
-Caused fear,terror and anxiety among Singaporeans
-Politics was instable
-Great Depression
-Economy collapsed
-Trade was instable,causing drastic decreases in trade
-People feared leaving their homes
-People had no income,due to stoppage of work
-Waste of resources,and thus,resulting in bad economy
-Waste of intellect spent on war tactics
-Waste of energy spent on destruction
-Lost of countless lives
-Social ties between Singapore and Japan worsened
-Caused tears&bloodshed.Many injuries.People who have relations with those who lost their lives in the battle were sad and at a lost
-War was cruel,violent and dangerous
-Strikes and riots broke out soon after War
-Singapore was in a mess soon after War.British had to clear up
-It was a period of hardship&suffering for society
-High unemployment after War
-Stripped off their freedom
-A period of poverty
-Discrimination in the government service
-Locals were seen to be inferior to Europeans when British ruled Singapore in 19th Century
-People felt stripped off their own culture during the Japanese Occupation
Singapore stood to gain from the war.
-The Indians and Malays had opportunities to govern.They held positions in the government service
-Learnt a new culture
-Gained independence
-People learnt to cherish their lives
-Would be prepared if another similar situation would occur
-People learnt independence through hardship and sufferings
This is not a submission of late work.
And bonus points are not relevant in an assignment as there is a deadline to it.Hence,this civillised group of ours does not request for it.However,if Miss Fadzhila insists,as her students,we are in no position to decline and hence,would most gladly accept it.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Pearlyn Yeo(16)
Semele Choy(2)
Wendy Loh (11)
Rachel Tan(14)
Alicia Wee(1)
1.The battle between Scotland and England
We agree on what Wenmin's group said. During wartime,both parties will suffer and gain in certain ways.People will become closer and also,their morale will be boosted.Their sense of responsibility towards their own country will also grow,thus making them love and want to protect their country,their one and only home. If the win the war, they could gain freedom once again and more power for their country, thus providing their people with more supplies, making the country wealthy.
However,fighting a war also has its negative side.It causes bloodshed and also causes those poor victims of the two countries in war to lose their homes and family members.It also cause people to be afraid.Both parties will use alot of resources and thus causing the economy to go down.
2.Singapore's involvement in WW2
That was a time when mostly Indians and Malays gain.They were given the chance to try and rule Singapore.It was only during the Japanese Occupation that they were given this opportunity.Whereas,the Chinese were treated harshly.The Europeans were treated so-so as they were the rich ones.However,if they did anything wrong,they would still be punished harshly.The people were also forced to learn japanese.This was considered a good and bad thing.Good as they could take this chance to learn Japanese and its culture for free.However,by forcing the people to learn Japanese,it would also mean 'snatching' away Singapore culture away.
Also,during the WW2,people suffered.They lived in fear everyday,scared of offending the Japanese and getting punished.People lost their homes and family members.They also did not have enough food and essential supplies as other countries did not like the Japanese thus they stopped trading with Singapore as Singapore was under the control of the Japanese.This caused the economy of Singapore to go down. Not even the women and children were spared. Aillied soldiers were forced to march from Padang to Selarang Barracks, while European civilians marched to Katong to reach Changi Prison. The punishments were severe as it includes torture, decapitation and death. Some were even forced to work at the Death Railway in Thailand.
THANK YOU:))Miss Fadhzila, we r the 2nd grp to post, must also give us bonus points ah!;D
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Tan Jun Wei (31)
Low Seng Aik (25)
Max Lam (24)
Valerie Lim (10)
Liew Wen Min (9)
1.The battle between Scotland and England.
Positive sides:
-It sort of boosted the morales of the locals
-It caused the people to feel that they have the right and it was their responsibility to fight for their own freedom.
-It allowed William Wallace to show his leadership skills.
Negative sides:
-There were killings and bloodshed (caused by the war).
-It caused the people to lose their homes and family members.
-It caused the people to panic.
-It caused their economy to go down.
2. Singapore's involvement in the WW2
it's a GOOD thing:
- The Malays and Indians were given chances to rule the country with the help of the Japanese.
- Learn the Japanese culture and language.
it's a BAD thing:
- Caused people to live in fear.
- Caused killings and bloodshed.
- Caused people to lose their homes and even their family members.
- Caused a lot of sufferings.
- Caused the economy to go down.
- Trade disrupted.
- Locals were made to learn the Japanese cultre and language, causing people to feel despised as the Japanese thought that their culture was more superior.
- Locals were deprived from learning their own culture.
- Chinese and Eurasians were severally ill-treated throughout as they were thought as anti-Jap people.
yay yay!
We're the first group to post!
Have bonus marks? :D :D
please miss fadhzila please?
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
♥ Are You Ready For A War?
"I am William Wallace!
And I see a whole army of my countrymen
Here in defiance of tyranny.
You've come to fight as free men,
and free men you are!
What will you do without freedom?
Will you fight?...
Fight and you will die.
Run, and you'll live...
At least for a while.
And dying in your beds many years from now.
Would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that,
for one chance, just ONE chance,
to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives,
BUT they'll never take our freedom!"
- William Walace, an extract taken from the film 'Braveheart'
As always, your dear teacher is easily fascinated by such a speech. It provokes one to think deeply on the issue of war - that a war is not necessarily all about killings and atrocities, but it does have its positive sides as well.
So tell me this folks, from the short extract of the film "Braveheart" that I've shown you in class, what are the positive and negative sides of the battle between Scotland and England?
Next, I want you to link the battle to Singapore's involvement in the World War 2 (WW2). I want you folks to be aware that by then, the locals in Singapore were ACTIVELY involved in fighting the WW2. We have people like Lim Bo Seng, Force 136 and not forgetting, Lieutenant Adnan and the Malay Regiment (you can learn more about this at the Bukit Chandu Museum in Singapore!). Indeed, how was Singapore's involvement in the WW2 a good and/or a bad thing?
Remember, you are supposed to leave your suggestions based on your History Groupings. You need to specify your name at the end of your suggestion so that I know which group you belong to. Remember too that mature suggestions and discussions go a long way in impressing me. Good Luck!
Miss Fadhzila
Sunday, March 16, 2008
hey 2J :D
welcome back to singapore (:
well i'm back alrdy, i'm the last to reach.
and i met you all at the long jing cha place. :X
and i met junwei at the outdoor show, rmb? :D
well, i think it would be much more fun if i'm with you all ,
but yeaps, its very fun being with others too :D
hope all of you have fun, and bangbang, there aint any march babies D:
so yeaps, byebye :D
Monday, March 3, 2008
i'm going to tell you all what i'm going to do on for the rest of eeeeeeeeee year!
well, i'm going to feature diffferent 2J people or RUMOURED COUPLE every week :D
so yeappppppps, be shocked when you see your face on screen, OMGGGGGaye !
but then, i'll ask for permission lah :D
okay , so this week we're going to feature a person,
his information as following :D
name : ong leon jin.
age : 14 already, but yet still childish.
handphone number : *********
and he's 178 in cm D:
and is single and AVALIABLE.

this is mehhh, valerie and leon jin :D
okay this is something glam for him (:
hahahahaha, good covered face of mine :D
he's doing his chhhhoppin' dance i sup? :D
well this is his TIIIIKOPEK face, with me and edddbert :D

HAHA, i edditt one x)

OH GOSH, he can sit like that leh. -.-

he's trying to act as the 'L' changes the world.
che-ck ma-te. :D
STARE WAT STARE, never see before CHIO BU ISSIT.
hahahahahaha, wenmin and leon jin talking. -.-
well, sorry if it seems offensive, but you know i dont mean it right, wenmin (:
sorry to edbert, you're being an extra behind. ._.

WOO, whats he doing? MOCCA ADVERTISEMENT? :D
'this way to the bedroom!'
trying to stop edbert from doing something RASH. D:
his attempt to be emo -.-
OKAY, leon jin, if you make me pissed off or angry, you'll be back on featured :D
want to be my next FEATURED,
and if you make me angry or pissed,
be careful! i like to take uglam fotos and my phone aint auto-focus.
hahahahahhhahahhahaahhhaahahhahh! :D